Serial Trainer

{January 27, 2022}   Why I stretch

Because as much as it hurts, it feels amazing. It allows the muscles the elasticity they need to work without injury.

…. And it feels amazing

{January 27, 2022}   WTF Wednesday

I think only females experience this kind of bullshit. Why do guys do this?

I’m at the gym. It’s arm day. I finally get a bench and I’m working through my sets, honing in on shoulders…when this guy walks up. I thought he was just grabbing weights, so I turn sideways and place my weights down for a moment to rest. I start talking to my brother to ask how many more he has then turn back so I can get back to work.

The dude starts working out in front of me…

Are you serious kid? So my short ass leans to the side so he gets a good view of my glare and he turns to his friend…who is standing in front of the female beside me trying to do some leg work and lunges.

Really? The mirrors go the length of the wall dude and no I don’t want to watch you workout.

Finally, Rico Suave realizes we’re about to maul him so he turns and “suggests” to his equally rude counterpart that they workout “over there.”

Listen up guys, women are hitting the grind with as much dedication as you. If you don’t like it, go workout in your garage. Four benches to my left and two on my right, all occupied by men (except the other female on my right) and the prima Donna steps in front of the two females.

Luckily, they moved. Because two of the other three benches were taken by my Wolfpack. That’s right, asshole. I come with a pack. Drive your ass through!

What’s something you’ve experienced from a rude person in the gym?

{January 25, 2022}   Get ready for the new sh*t

I’ve had this site for a few years, and to be honest, I was so burnt out on posting every day. Life changes, people change, and I’ve been through so much.

One of the topics we chatted about before is depression vs. all around health. For me, I’ve been up and down, not only with my own mental health, but for my son who deals with a type of treatment resistant schizophrenia. It took years to get him on a medicine that helps him be “functional.” We’ve worked so hard to get to this point, nothing else seemed important for such a long time.

In the interim, I also started a home business; a small press (Stitched Smile Publications) which produces a quarterly magazine. It kept me sane while trying to deal with everything. There were days I literally woke up and wanted to do fvck all. Hey, we’re being honest right? You think all trainers wake up every day with Gladiator Mode switched to “on” but we’re human, too.

Skip ahead to Sept 28, 2021 and after two rounds of contracting COVID–despite all precautions–I suffered a STEMI heart attack with 100% blockage. I was stunned! Even though I wasn’t training anyone, I was still HEALTHY, so WTAF?

Things happen and we will never have all the answers. The truth is, if I wasn’t as healthy and aware of my body, I probably wouldn’t have survived it. But here I am…and since then, it’s lit a fire under my ass. Though I’m not training anyone anymore, I’m still here to give you over 20+ years of knowledge and my unfiltered, uncensored truth. Because that’s what I do. I’ll save the sunshine and rainbows for the trainers in the gym. They are the unsung heroes. For me and my house, we will swim in sarcasm and lift iron with the snarkiest.

I’ll post my progress to getting back to “normal” and losing the 20lbs I gained in my recovery of the event that nearly took me out. It’s been 4 months and I’m getting stronger. My goal is to rock the summer bod by June.

Who’s with me?

et cetera